Friday, February 02, 2007

My little darling was very upset that this post did not include as many pictures of her so her ya go. This is Olivia's new sweater dress and boy does she need it. It was 5 below this morning!

Where have I been?

It has been so long since I have posted and I can't believe it is already February. So instead of cleaning my house for our dinner party tomorrow I am posting. Are you surprised? Me either.
Well much has happened since my last post. Kiet traveled to Charlotte to visit his biological mother who is seriously ill with heart problems. I think that he was able to reconnect with her which is good.

He came home and I was off to visit my grandmother who fell and broke her hip. It was one of the hardest but best visits I have had with my granny. I was able to stay with her and my grandfather and help take care of them. It was a little reminiscent of having an infant again. She needed help going to the bathroom in the night. It was very hard to watch my grandfather struggle with the easiest of task because his mind is deteriorating. There were times when he would be trying to put away the silverware and stare at the drawer for an hour trying to figure out where everything goes. You always wonder how aware elderly with Alzheimers are. You hope that they are oblivous for their sakes. He used to be such a brillant and vibrant man.

I came home to lots of work with Connor's first submission into his school's Science Fair and he did such a great job. The M&M Survival Challenge (can a blue M&M survive better than any other color from being eated when it is on blue paper?) And then off to the mountains for a MOPs (mothers of preschoolers) steering retreat. What a blast to be up in the mountains with 9 amazingly talented and fun women. My poor hubby did an amazing job on his own for two weekends in a row. I love him so much!

As most of you know Colorado has had one of the snowiest winters ever and I am getting a little tired of it. The poor kids can no longer walk to school because there are no sidewalks and poor Jasper sinks a foot in the snow in the backyard to do his duty. I guess it will be easy to pick up all that frozen poop when we can see it. Sorry to keep rambling on but a lot has happened and I know my daddy loves to keep up on all the happenings.

I was the parent helper for Connor's field trip to the Stock Show! We had so much fun checking out the livestock.

Connor and Olivia had so much fun conducting and setting up for the science fair. We will definately continue to do this. Connor now wants to be a part of science club after school as well as the chess club! What busy boy! I wonder where he gets it from.

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